When you need to till your land, you don’t want to do it by hand. Tillage equipment has come a long way over the years, so there are now many different types of tillers available on the market to suit unique agricultural needs. It’s important to think about which type of tiller will best suit your own land, which is why we’ve put together this helpful guide of tiller types.


Known throughout history as a reliable piece of tilling equipment, the humble plow is still used to this day because of its design. Blades are drawn through the soil and leave furrows behind, which is great if you need your tilling to go deeper than usual. Chisel plows in particular are capable of tilling land to a depth of 6” or even 8”, with a row of staggered shanks that can be adjusted. 

Moldboard plows, by comparison, are built with wing-like blades that cover the soil and leave furrow slices behind. Subsoil plows are also good for really deep tilling, since they use tines with straight or bent ends that can achieve depthts between 15” and 20”.


This piece of tilling equipment is referred to as a “disc harrow” as well. It’s made up of rows of steel or boron disc-shaped blades are securely attached to a metal frame. You hitch up the disc harrow to your tractor and drag it across the ground so that it can break up, lift, turn over, and loosen your soil for planting. Disc harrows are extremely efficient, so you won’t have to make more than one pass with them, usually.


If you’re trying to get moisture into your soil as well as deal with organic matter and vegetation, a ripper can help you chop up that organic matter while also improving drainage. These tillers can be either disc-style or in-line style.


For a less intense approach to tilling, you may want to try a cultivator. Cultivators are designed to help you till land on a shallow level, which is great for soil that already has good drainage. You can expend less fuel and save on labor with a cultivator to ready your soil for planting. These tillers come in many different sizes so you can find the model that suits your particular plot of land.

When you’re ready to shop new and used tillers and other agricultural attachments for sale, visit our dealership in Eastman, GA, to see our current inventory. We can also provide you with financing and credit options on your farm equipment purchase. Eastman Equipment Company serves the cities of Warner Robins and Dublin, GA.